ALPHATEC® 800 is a high performance, aggregate-filled epoxy grout with superior mechanical and chemical properties. This grout material has been specifically formulated to support heavy machinery on concrete foundations, and when used correctly, will ensure the transfer of static and dynamic loads into the inertia block. It has a maximum working temperature limitation (measured at the contact surface) of 70º C for high accuracy alignment, and 100ºC for general use. It has a maximum working temperature limitation (measured at the contact surface) of 70ºC for high accuracy alignment, and 100ºC for general use.
ALPHATEC® 800 is available in two versions, Standard and Winter grades. The winter grade formulation allows for 24 hour cure times even at temperatures between 0ºC and 10ºC. ALPHATEC® 800 uses the 001 aggregate, which is pigmented green, and meets the UNE-EN 1504-6 requirements.